Temporary exhibitions

At Félix Dort, we like to promote art in all its forms. That's why in the common areas you can discover temporary exhibitions of works by Lyonnais artists.

Currently on show in the corridor and breakfast rooms is the photo series "Les Mirages" by Lyon-based photographer Thanh Nguyen, also known as Flou Sentimental.

A few words about Flou Sentimental

"As a photographer and poet's apprentice, I want to reclaim territories that were once familiar to me. I make shots that might facilitate the attainment of a transitional state, between nostalgia for moments we haven't yet experienced and melancholy - without its depressive symptoms."

Follow his work here

To complement his photographic research, he joins words together on his blog Suteki Da Ne.


"When the last star had abandoned the sky, all that was left by my side was a mirage which, taking me by the hand, whispered in my ear these words I no longer knew. And I believed him."